What tax break? I didn’t get one. I’m not in the top 1% . My grocery bill has risen. My prescriptions have doubled in price. Have you checked the price of insulin or an epi-pen? Betsy Devos has totally screwed up public education. Horace Mann is turning in his grave.
The people of Puerto Rico are still waiting for disaster relief, not being swapped for Greenland. That was stupid; pure, unadulterated, stupidity.Rather than funding schools, factories and social services, funds are being diverted to interment camps to house rapist and murderous children; pure shell game. Where is the money, then, if there is no wall?
Folks at the border are escaping horrors in their homelands, seeking shelter here, in our ports, as did other “tired and hungry” people... let’s offer them pathways to citizenship so they can work and live legally, and gee(!) pay taxes! Let’s give them an education so they can become mechanics, business owners, teachers, 5 star Generals, brain surgeons and politicians. Those women and children at our borders are not rapists, murderers or psychopaths. They are tired, hungry and poor. My grandparents took in refugees from the Ukraine after WW II who stole food, clothing and money; anything that they could,they were tired, hungry and poor. But rather than punish them, our family adopted them and provided shelter, an education and safety; a pathway. You know them. You’ve eaten at their pizza joints, their “houses of pizza.” Their kids educated us in Wakefield. Why are you so afraid of immigrants?
You should be afraid of a core group of misogynistic, hedonistic people who want to control women’s healthcare. You have granddaughters who are going to need mammograms and gynecological care, who might not work in an industry that provides affordable care. They may need to face hard decisions you may not agree with, but they will need that choice. They need to be supported by a government by the people, and for the people, led by honorable and thoughtful individuals, not people who grab women by the pussy or who think it’s ok to rape girls at a frat party, because they were drunk.
Your granddaughters need to know it’s ok to get dressed up, go dancing, and get drunk. They also need to know it’s not ok to be slobbered over, held down, harassed, touched, grabbed or raped, just because. We need to stop normalizing this. It is not just” locker room talk.” It’s assault, plain and simple. Yet the occupant of The White House brushes off his behavior, boasting that he can kiss any woman he wants, they all lust after him. That is delusional, purely sick and twisted. This is NOT the person I want representing me to the world!
Your grandsons need to learn by example, what it means to be honest and charitable, and to serve their country, not just in the military, but in public service, helping and sheltering the “tired and hungry.” They need to be immersed in a society where men and women are equal in every way, no matter their race, creed or gender identity. They need to know that if they or their children face the world with physical, emotional or intellectual challenges, they won’t be disparaged and made a joke of, by the person elected to be a leader, an exemplifier.
Our children need to know it’s ok to be Muslim. They need to know it’s ok to be Jewish. They need to embrace atheism , as well. We have that freedom built into our foundation. They also need to know they are NOT “ the Second Coming!
Our children need to learn, by example, that charity not only begins at home, but also in our neighborhoods, our cities and towns. In an honorable society, we pay our workers a fair wage. We don’t set up shell corporations and universities, with the intent to defraud. They need to live by the creed, that , “you don’t lie, cheat or steal.” Our children need to see that be stuff our President espouses to, as well.
How can it be acceptable that the person elected to protect our “alabaster cities,“ work to provide safety, security, and shelter for our own, only works part time, golfs at his own resorts, and complains about how much money he is losing at his job. He swore an oath to protect and defend against all threats both foreign and domestic, yet our mass shootings have escalated. Walmart is selling bulletproof backpacks for God’s sake! And not one, single “domestic terrorist” was Mexican, Guatemalan or Muslim!
I don’t recall Barack Obama ever, ever spewing the vitriol the occupant of the White House does, not did Bill Clinton, George W or George H W. Yes, Clinton was a misogynist. We brought impeachment proceedings against him. It was our duty. We didn’t look the other way.
Running a country is not like running a company! Brain surgery is not the same as a haircut. When I choose a leader, I want someone who is experienced in government, foreign affairs ( not sexual affairs), and protocol. When I get my hair cut, I want someone who knows about hair. My brain surgeon may be “ the smartest person, ever, “ but she’s not touching my cowlicks! To know the difference between a contractor and a con man, you have to check their references; what is their experience? Initiating sanctions and tariffs are not going to hurt the foreign economy. They will hurt our economy. To offset the tariffs, goods and services will cost us, our people more hard earned money. It’s not just our cellphones and iPads that will cost more, our defibrillators, our heart/lung machines, our ambulances, breathalyzers, and farm equipment will be ensnared. It doesn’t take a Fulbright Scholar to figure out that! It does, however, take experience in government and diplomacy. I guess we forgot to note bankruptcies and dalliances when the electoral college, not the people, installed a liar, cheat and a fraud into the most revered house in America.
Next time, let’s do better.
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