
The Breachway

Monday, February 18, 2019

Kids and Guns

I worked many years in Special Education at the Middle and High School levels. I worked with kids who aggressed with weapons, as well as fists and feet.  A common thread was video games, along with family discord, and learning challenges  Many were bullied as children because of their learning difficulties and turned to video games as escape from their “society. “ As the games became more “mature,” the kids did not. They assimilated the actions and emotions of their “friends” in these game scenarios. They did not develop healthy conflict resolution. They continued to be bullied by those who labeled them as slackers, druggies or emo. I witnessed this everyday. Everyday.  When you pile on PTSD from early trauma, easy access to guns, and lack of mental health treatment, you have a problem.  These kids learned, at an early age, it’s ok to hit someone on the head with a hammer,(Mario) to enjoy sling-shotting stuff to smash and die (Angry Birds) and their alphabet from Baby Einstein, not a parent who read to them or a teacher, overwhelmed with up to 30 little ones In a class; all with learning challenges.
Read to your babies, folks. Learn everything you can about Emotional Intelligence, and the signs of Social Disconnect. Turn off the TV ; you’re a better teacher than Sesame Street. Do not allow your phone to babysit your children while you attend to tasks, give them a book, a puzzle, crayons, or music. Please don’t regift your children, tweens,and young adults to someone else’s idea of education. Growing a healthy child; mind and body, is the most important job you will ever have. Do your job!  Rant done. Over and out.

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