This is a fabulous article. I have been at a loss to succinctly put into words, my very strong disapproval of appointing this candidate to the highest court in America. Brett Kavanaugh is NOT on trial, there is no presumption of innocence. This is a job interview, and the way he presents himself, is unnerving. We no longer seat judges according to their impartiality, but by their ability to use their influence to advance a political agenda. He has voiced his opinion, the opinion which will brought to the Supreme Court if appointed, that accusations being brought forth, are in part, a witch hunt brought on by democrats and the Clintons. That is NOT impartiality! That is a political bias, which should never be allowed to enter the room where the laws of this great country are being interpreted. When cases of sexual assault are brought before the court, we deserve a Justice who will be fair and impartial, and not be influenced by powerful political PACs and legislators, looking to use the Supreme Court to advance political agendas. This candidate has shown that he is not the best candidate to hear cases involving sexual assaults, Roe v Wade, economic disparity in the workplace or anything else that will directly affect the empowerment of not only women and girls, but any faction that does not fit with the ideology of the conservative right. His obvious alliance with a political leaning, will cloud his judgement and influence. This in not someone who should be shepherding our country. He is not a shepherd, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.