With so much fear, distress, anxiety, unfathomable sadness and grief, we hear," Pray for the victims; pray for a miracle."
As one who has always questioned the existence of, but accepting of an Overseer of all things, I question praying, or looking for the ultimate fix ....the Big Miracle.
Within the past few months my circle of friends has dwindled, losing many to cancer, old age or other illnesses. Our world has lost 17 dear souls to gun violence. We pray for a cure, we pray to end violence, we pray for rain, we pray to end the rain. It seems this is asking quite a bit from the Grand Overseer
If we looked at prayers as balls, simple round balls balls to be placed in a basket, our basket, why then would our first choice be the biggest ball, such as a basketball, to fill our basket? That big ball might be impressive, but it leaves so much space in our basket. A Pilates ball? Imagine how difficult that would be! It would only pop out and roll away leaving an empty basket. Marbles might be a better choice, but there would still be voids. Perhaps ball bearings... simple, insignificant in size and oft overlooked. Yet in large quantities small ball bearings can move great objects.
Rather than look for the Big Fix, the miracle of all miracles, look for the beginning....the ball bearing. Look for the seed not the forest. Listen for one note, not the full symphony. Find the thread the begins your tapestry. Hear the first gasp of life not the awakening cry. Live for the small; work toward the great. Accept that sometimes the miracle we seek is too big. Understand that this pilates ball will, most likely roll away. It is then, when we truly understand the significance of the insignificant, we seek the smallest of miracles; the ones that will move mountains, and fill our basket.